Reaffirming the Growth Potential of Humility in 2023

If I could sum up my most valuable lesson in 2023 it was reaffirming the growth potential of humility. In this blog, I will describe what this looked like for me.

In all things, it takes a village

One of the traits I picked up during my travels was maintaining a polite detachment with my surroundings. Because my world these past 10 years has been constantly shifting, it has been simpler to assimilate and have relationships on other people’s terms. 

While it remains true that the only reliable constant in a life abroad is the self, it definitely does not mean relying exclusively on the self is the best solution. 

All the wonderful things that happened to me this year would not have been possible without the genuine relationships I have in my life. The losses I incurred would have been so much more painful without my village supporting me through them. 

Because of all the ups and downs that came in 2023, I now recognize that whatever messiness comes with genuine, reciprocal connection far outweighs the benefits of an ability to adapt quickly.

Right only in degrees

While I pride myself on my intercultural flexibility, I spent most of my life thinking I was either right or I am wrong when it comes to the interpersonal. This was a revelation I made while dealing with a persistent conflict with one of the most important people in my life this year.

I think we spend far too much time in this mindset, me very much included. It is easier to buy into our own narratives, particularly when we surround ourselves with people and media who affirm our worldviews. In reality though, I think a life that is peaceful is about seeing the the nuisance. 

People are a lot more than our interactions with them. Going off exclusively on these things means we miss critical information that might generate greater compassion in difficult situations. 

I think we should allow people ample room to grow in our relationships and to prove our initial instincts wrong. I hope that people in my life believe that I am capable of rectifying a hurt if I hear their perspective, and in turn, they would be open to learning about mine.

Bottom Line: Be Mindful of the Overdone Strengths

A friend taught me a phrase that I have used to check my instincts during this year: overdone strengths. Our greatest assets can serve us exponentially in most scenarios, but they can also lead to missed opportunities. 

Since learning about mine, I’ve been able to see myself through someone else’s lens. While this increased self awareness has been uncomfortable, it has also been indispensable. As I reflect on 2024, I am grateful for my renewed sense of humility, and for the growth it has provided me.

I hope that 2024 also brings you growth that revitalizes you. Thank you for continuing to follow along in my writing journey, and I look forward to developing content for you in the new year.


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