Manifesting an Abundance Mindset

I hope this blog finds you well rested and excited to welcome the new year. I always get very excited about a new year. It is a clean slate- an opportunity to not repeat errors, to implement new lessons, and evolve. In this blog, I am going to talk about my evolution on two integral parts of my identity and I imagine yours as well: careers and contentedness.

Reality Check

When I first moved to Germany, I was convinced that as long as I was as scrappy, diligent, and agile enough, I was going to launch a career in this new environment. I had done it before and I could do it again. 

Long story short, will power and doing all the right things turned out not to be enough. I was coming to the realization that what I represented was not translating well in this new context. I grieved what I viewed as a loss of my career. For the first time in my life, I fully embraced a deficit mindset about myself. 

Understanding the Deficit Mindset

I think we can all intuitively understand what this is. For me it means, measuring yourself against what you have not been able to achieve or what you do not have. 

I had been exposed to this mentality before, particularly during my adolescence. Fortunately, I have been blessed with family members who constantly affirmed me. Because of that unconditional support, I was confident that my life could still be valuable to society even with my deficits. 

As I gained independence from my family, my career became my primary outlet to lead the meaningful life I envisioned for myself. Once that crutch was taken away, my ability to hold back the deficit mindset became tenuous at best.

I was susceptible to judgment in a way I have never been before, and I was often my own worst critic. When people implicitly or very explicitly conveyed to me that I was being complacent about my career or that I was a burden to my husband, I absorbed it fully. It has taken immense emotional and intellectual work to not allow my negative self-talk or that of others to define me. 

Manifesting an Abundance Mindset

An abundance mindset is the exact opposite of a deficit mindset. It is about actively choosing to count all the blessings and tools you have at your disposal. For me, achieving this mindset still remains aspirational, but I am getting better at it.

I begin by affirming myself the way my loved ones taught me, counting and being grateful for my assets. I then methodically work through those assets and think about how I can use them to serve my objectives. If there are skills that I need to acquire to get to where I want to be, I choose to direct my positive energy towards those things. 

In two words, I manifest and I nurture. 

Whatever the process of manifesting an abundance mindset looks like to you, I hope the biggest takeaway is that you deserve grace. You are a culmination of many things. You have to choose to see that in yourself.

Bottom Line

Ultimately my experience of trying to manifest an abundance mindset has taught me this:

  • Resilient self worth cannot be defined by one singular thing. Identify other attributes that make you feel confident, and cultivate those as well.

  • Regarding judgment: you can choose to find the insight in those critics, but then you have to set boundaries. Unsolicited judgment from others was never said to advance you.

  • Be intentional about the way you lead your life, but also give yourself grace when you fail. You are capable of kindness, not just to others, but also to yourself.


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